Mental Health Resources -

Throughout Australia, we’re each more aware than ever of the sheer scale of mental health.
Educated through our networks, friends, families, co-workers, business environments - you name it.
The challenge however, can be taking the first step.
That giant leap into the seemingly scary unknown of what will happen once we acknowledge that we may feel a certain way.
Act in a particular manner, or posses traits which could indicate a mental health disorder.

As time continues, we collectively in a societal evolution have adopted principals addressing the importance of understanding our own mental health, and how to identify clues, patterns, signs & signals within those we love and others.

Progressing into the future it is imperative we each wear our challenges, traumas, traits, characteristics & individual quirks that make us who we are as a simple opportunity to engage.
To assist one another, and collectively grow.

However - when we may find ourselves in a place where our light is seemingly extinguished, the matches can often feel too damp to reignite our flame.
Accepting the assistance of others, we begin to rekindle.

To accept the flaming torch presented by others guiding a path toward the future, and learn how we can build our own.

Below are specific organisations, services & resources for Australia, which can assist in both educating, and identifying different signs & signals around mental health.

Black Dog Institute - Education & resources platform with a focus on Mental Health research.

Lifeline - Suicide prevention

Beyond Blue - Depression support & treatment

R U OK - Suicide prevention

Headspace - Youth Mental Health